Partner Visa Processing Times

  • Official processing time for a sc. 300 Prospective Marriage Visa is 13 to 17 months.
    Coral Coast Migration Service’s most recent approval for a sc. 300 Prospective Marriage Visa only took 1.5 months (43 days)
  • Official processing time for a sc. 820 Partner Temporary Visa is 20 to 25 months.
    Coral Coast Migration Service’s most recent approval for a 820 Partner Temporary Visa took less than 9 months (266 days).
  • Official processing time for a sc. 801 Partner Permanent Visa is 18 to 25 months.
    Coral Coast Migration Service’s most recent approval for a sc. 801 Partner Permanent Visa took only 5.5 months (168 days).

Note that actual processing times will vary due to individual circumstances. However, lodging a complete application, including all necessary supporting documents and promptly responding to any requests for additional information can significantly speed up processing times.

A Registered Migration Agent will make sure that your application is well presented, professionally prepared and meets all requirements. The agent will assist with the completion of all necessary forms, collating of documents, preparation of submissions and the lodgement of your application.

He will monitor the progress of your application and provide ongoing advice and liaise with the Department of Immigration on your behalf.

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