proposed 1 July 2024 The Department have updated their website to outline the changes to the Temporary Graduate (sc 485) visa program as announced as part of the Migration Strategy. The changes to the Sc 485 should take effect from 1 July 2024, subject to the passage of legislative amendments. The changes are the following: Graduate Work Stream Renamed to the Post-Vocational Education Work Stream The maximum eligible age will be reduced to 35 years of age or under. Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holders will continue to be eligible provided they are under 50 years of age. …read more
Study in Cairns
VAC Update
Townsville’s Designated Area Migration Agreement The Townsville DAMA covers 195 occupations across a broad range of sectors including manufacturing, health care and social assistance, transport, and professional, scientific and technical services. Townsville Enterprise, a peak economic development and destination marketing organisation, is the Designated Area Representative. Townsville Enterprise will administer the process of accessing the Townsville DAMA which will open to businesses operating in any of the 9 Local Government Areas covered by the agreement – City of Townsville, Hinchinbrook Shire, Charters Towers Regional Council, Burdekin Shire, City of Mount Isa, Shire of Cloncurry, Shire of McKinlay, Shire of Richmond …read more
Temporary Employer Sponsored Visas – STSOL occupation to PR Pathway Minister Hawke’s announcement on 25 November 2021 that enhanced visa pathways to PR would be available to existing Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa holders in the short-term stream and legacy Temporary Work Skilled (subclass 457) visa holders who no longer meet the age requirement is currently being actioned. The legislation to enable this is currently being developed and is expected to be introduced ‘around the middle of this year‘. The Department recognises the potential for the visas of eligible applicants to expire within this period and arrangements are being …read more
SC 408 AGEE – ‘COVID visa’ There has been no decision at this stage to stop accepting new applications or ceasing to grant the SC 408 ‘COVID visa’. A criterion for the grant of this visa is that applicants seek to remain in Australia to work in a critical sector. Visas are generally granted for a 12-month period. Visa holders granted for 12 months to work in a critical sector should continue to work in a critical sector to comply with their visa conditions or make arrangements to depart Australia. Critical sector visa holders are permitted to: Change employment as …read more
REOPENING TO TOURISTS AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL TRAVELLERS Australia will reopen to all fully vaccinated visa holders, welcoming the return of tourists, business travelers, and other visitors from 21 February. Visa holders who are not fully vaccinated will still require a valid travel exemption to enter Australia, and will be subject to state and territory quarantine requirements.
A travel preparation list detailing each step required in planning to come to Australia can be found here:
Australian borders will reopen on 1 December 2021 to allow travel to Australia without the requirement for travel exemptions for eligible visa holders. You can find the list of eligible visas here:
Sc. 300 visa holders can now enter and remain in Australia until 31 December 2022, if a) the visa was in effect on 15 September 2021; and (b) the holder is outside Australia on 15 September 2021
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